The Little Rock Workforce Development Board (LRWDB) and Little Rock Workforce Center offer a variety of services for youth under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). WIOA Youth Services is a year-round program that offers services throughout the school year and during the summer months.
Eligibility for Services
Youth who meet the following criteria are eligible for WIOA services:
- In-School youth ages 14-21
- Out-of-School youth ages 16-24
- City of Little Rock Residents
- Low-Income Individuals
AND Have at Least One of the Following Barriers:
- Deficient in basic literacy skills
- School drop-out
- Homeless, runaway or foster child
- Pregnant or parenting
- Offender /returning citizen
- Disabled
- Youth who need additional assistance to secure educational or employment opportunities
Youth Services under WIOA
- Tutoring (service or information)
- Alternative secondary school opportunities
- Paid and unpaid work experience
- Occupational skills training
- Leadership development activities
- Adult mentoring
- Follow-up services for 12 months
- Comprehensive guidance and counseling
- Supportive Services