The Little Rock workforce system, as envisioned under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), is quality focused, employer-driven, customer-centered, and customized to meet the needs of the local and regional economy. It aligns workforce development, education, and economic development programs to meet the needs of local and regional employers. It is designed to increase access to, and opportunities for, employment, education, training, and support services by job seekers, particularly those with barriers to employment. The Little Rock workforce development center, in conjunction with local and regional partners, works to connect job seekers with employers in key business sectors and promote the advancement of the local and regional economy.
The Little Rock Workforce Development Board (LRWDB) is located at the Little Rock Workforce Center (LRWFC), a certified comprehensive center that integrates the services of 15 partner organizations, representing grant programs; local, state and federal government; and non-profit and for-profit corporations.
The Little Rock Workforce Development Board was formerly known as the Little Rock Workforce Investment Board (LRWIB).
In May 2015, the LRWIB and its Little Rock Workforce Center (LRWFC) partners celebrated the six-year anniversary of providing services from the newly renovated workforce center at 5401 S. University Avenue. A workforce center that is welcoming, professional and state-of-the-art continues to help LRWFC partners provide high-quality services to job-seeking customers and market itself to the public and business community.
During fiscal year 2014/2015, the LRWIB received news that the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) of 2014 would replace Workforce Investment Act (WIA) legislation from 1998. The end of the WIA era means a transition in focus from “investment” to “development.” The dawn of the WIOA means that the Little Rock Workforce Investment Board (LRWIB) has become the Little Rock Workforce Development Board (LRWDB). As the LRWDB emerges, it is poised to become part of an integrated one-stop delivery system to usher in the next generation of workforce development in Little Rock.