The YouthBuild Little Rock Leadership Council planned and organized the First Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive at the Arkansas Workforce Center. The Food Drive ran from November 6 to November 24. Participants collected can goods and non-perishable items to donate to the local Watershed Human and Community Development Center.
This service project is the first of many community activities to be planned and spearheaded by YouthBuild participants! Members of the Leadership Council designed the flyers and played integral roles in advertising for the project. They spoke with representatives of the diverse agencies at the workforce center, posted the flyers to their personal social media accounts, distributed flyers, and even stopped strangers at the workforce center to publicize the project.
The YouthBuild staff continues to encourage and promote the importance of serving the community. Participants took pride in seeing daily contributions to the donation box. The YouthBuild family delivered the items, which were able to feed 15 families, to the Watershed on November 25. Participants met a notable figure in the community, Reverend Hezekiah Stewart, and took a photo with him after presenting the donations.
This project could not have been successful without the support of many contributions. The YouthBuild family would like to thank everyone who assisted or contributed to the Thanksgiving Food Drive. The event served as a memorable milestone for our participants and highlighted their ability be responsible, contributing members of society.