To compete and succeed globally, manufacturers in the United States require a high-quality, highly skilled workforce. WIOA-funded local workforce boards provide the link between manufacturer’s needs and the qualified jobseekers to fill those needs.
In 2017, the Little Rock Workforce Development Board (LRWDB) partnered with the Human Resource Management Association (HRMA) to provide a series of local Advanced Manufacturing seminars and networking events:
· February – Workforce Readiness in Advanced Manufacturing
· May – Advanced Manufacturing for Educators
· July – Advanced Manufacturing for Employers
· September – Partnerships to Develop a Trained Workforce
As a member of HRMA’s Advisory Board for Advanced Manufacturing, the LRWDB’s Executive Director, W. J. Monagle, will help to create a roadmap for additional manufacturing events, programs, and activities in 2018.
Continued partnerships across industry, education, government agencies, and non-profit entities are critical to develop a manufacturing talent base for the 21st century in support of the central Arkansas economy.