The Little Rock Workforce Development Board (LRWDB) Chair, Bryan Day, and Executive Director, W. J. Monagle, recently joined the Human Resource Management Association’s (HRMA) advisory board for advanced manufacturing.
During 2017, HRMA’s advanced manufacturing initiative produced a number of events and activities to increase partnerships between industry, education, economic development, and workforce development entities across the state. The LRWDB served as a sponsor and collaborator to make these results possible.
As the initiative continues to grow, the advisory board is tasked with developing strategic actions and objectives to promote career paths in advanced manufacturing professions.
The complete list of Advanced Manufacturing Advisory Board members includes:
Mo Amani, Performance FoodService
Shane Broadway, Arkansas State University
Christopher Clark, Lockheed Martin
Bryan Day, Little Rock Port Authority
Senator Joyce Elliott, Arkansas General Assembly
Barbara Jones, Ph.D, South Arkansas Community College
Karen Leonard, Ph.D, University of Arkansas Little Rock
Brian Marsh, Goodwill Industries of Arkansas
W. J. Monagle, Little Rock Workforce Development Board