On March 11, 2020 the State of Arkansas announced its first case of COVID-19 and declared a State of Emergency. The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a World Pandemic statement. The City of Little Rock incrementally shut down, and people began to socially distance.
On March 18, the Little Rock Workforce Center (LRWFC) – and all Arkansas Workforce Centers – closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As an exception to these operating procedures, persons applying for Unemployment Compensation (UI) Benefits can still physically pick up and/or drop off applications at the front door of the LRWFC. Employees from ADWS and off-duty Pulaski County Sheriff Deputies are stationed at the table.
At this time, the Little Rock Workforce Development Board (LRWDB) and ResCare Workforce Services staff continue to conduct business from the LRWFC, by telephone and computer, in compliance with directives from the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services (ADWS).
The most recent meeting of the LRWDB Executive Committee was canceled. However, LRWDB Executive Director, W. J. Monagle, provided a report to committee members on key LRWDB and LRWFC activities that continue to occur. The April 23 meeting of the Full LRWDB Board is postponed pending the length of the pandemic.
For updates and additional information, please visit the LRWDB website at www.lrworkforce.com.