The Little Rock Workforce Development Board (LRWDB) has coordinated and participated in multiple planning activities to move the local Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Transition forward:
June 28: The LRWDB Executive Director, W. J. Monagle, and WIOA Transition Consultant conducted community stakeholder interviews with representatives of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation and the Arkansas Research Center.
July 7: The Little Rock Workforce Center (LRWFC) hosted the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services (ADWS) Director’s meeting at which Local Area Administrators were introduced to the Sector Strategy Committee of the WIOA Roundtable. The LRWFC also hosted the Area Administrators Local Plan task force, which is charged with developing and producing plans by December 31, 2016.
July 8: The LRWDB Executive Director and several board members attended a presentation, conducted by the National Governor’s Association and hosted by the ADWS, to discuss federal apprenticeship grants and efforts to expand them.
Additional updates will be available as the exciting work associated with the WIOA Transition continues!